
Friday 6 December 2013


I often surprise why we are not maintaining transparency in our governance. And I am not talking about the ministries which have been questioned like coal block or 2 G spectrum etc . My main concern is about scientific institutes and bodies which survive on searching the truth and truth alone -they pose themselves to invite opinion from all sorts of public to take into consideration of their aspirations and making improvements accordingly . It is but natural to expect that at least these scientific bodies will discuss the new suggestions in their committees and may take steps with general agreement . I am mentioning a few examples which I have experienced in recent past ,highlighted in my blogs , and which substantiate my acquisition . In the whole episode, Prof M P Yadav, Ex Director IVRI and President of NAVS have been quite active and forwarded my mails to the appropriate authorities. But I could not see such enthusiasm in the persons who have to initiate the action .This compels me to think why even  we, scientists , are not interested to change the present scenario. 

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PARASITOLOGY :India being a tropical country, there is myriads of parasites and parasitic diseases. While temperate countries like Britain and Denmark and Asian countries like China and Japan have national institute of parasitology , India is conspicuous by its absence. Therefore, I made a write up and forwarded the same to ICAR and ICMR. The former ,famous for its bureaucracy, does not care to reply , while the Director General of the latter, replied to look into the matter ;though about one year has lapsed of writing the letter, i have not heard any thing about the matter. 

WEBSITES OF OUR PREMIER INSTITUTES : After logging the website of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ,I ventured to log in three premier institutes of India- IVRI ,ICAR, and Madras Veterinary College. To my dismay , there was many matters , including briefs of their faculty , or award winning scientists ,books published etc missing from these websites. Importantly, these websites are logged all over world and certainly reflects our working conditions. Therefore, I have written to the directors of these institutes to revise their websites so that all the pertaining information may be available to the persons, interested to know .Again , neither I have received any reply nor the websites have been improved.

FRAME LAWS FOR PET OWNERS : Our animal laws are century old and requires revision with change of society. An important aspect is about the laws towards pet owners who are maintaining pet animals , particularly dogs, but not caring for dog bite to the public and also there appears no strong laws about rabies vaccination ,providing great risk to general public.This was forwarded by Dr MP Yadav to the Chairman of Animal Welfare Board but with no avail. 

VETERINARY ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT : It is heartening that the Veterinary Council of India has initiated two courses on veterinary economics in the undergraduate courses. Presently , we do not have any specialized teachers on Veterinary economics and these courses are being taught by extension teachers who are not doing justice to the courses. Moreover, looking to the importance of the subject, there is also need to start post-graduate courses in veterinary economics. Therefore, there is a need to start a separate department of veterinary economics and appoint, initially, pure economists who will develop the courses as is done before in veterinary nutrition, parasitology etc When I searched the website of VCI to email the matter, i surprised not to observe any e-mail address of the President etc There is only one e-mail of making correspondence to VCI , even by veterinary faculty .Sent on this e-mail address , I have not received any feed back of my email. 

NATIONAL FELLOW OF ICAR : This scheme of awarding national fellow to the imminent scientists has been started by ICAR with great fun-fare and to develop important centers around the scientific leaders.. However, how the scheme is ill-conceived can be gauged by the miseries of those who accepted national fellowship and are repenting ,now . Though ICAR adhoc schemes had the clause of absorbing the staff into the university after termination of the scheme , it was not clear here and national fellows were reverted . While the universities signed a MOU of protecting the general interests of the scientists, who were fetching funds and salaries to the universities for at-least   five year , they betrayed their commitment and contented the national fellows not their employee for the said period. Thus according to them , these national fellows were on deputation for the said period to ICAR. If this is so, the national fellow should get all the allowances, including NPA for veterinarians, during that period from ICAR. And the national fellow is not getting any one - this means during national fellow period , he was neither university employee nor ICAR employee. Than where he stands ? And all our great policy makers are sitting silently without caring the miseries of the national fellows . 

If this is the present scenario how our  imminent scientists are treated in the hands of our policy makers, why we blame brain drain of scientists to the western countries ? .And why our honorable President of India complains of not having any Indian universities among top 200 world universities ?  

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