
Saturday 16 May 2020


26th April,2020

Is it not important to know our ancestors ? To ignore this question is just opposite to the great emphasis given to our old generation-our grand father or great... grand father ? This question is puzzling me since some time. Here, I have raised the question to know more about our ancestors. This list may start by including Primates in zoological calendars. We will see these primates in abundance in nature ; but this is not the chain of the genus Homo- to which we belong.  hence its correct to raise the question -where are our ancestors  or other Homo species ? 
Prior dealing this subject , let me elaborate some thing more. When we raise this question , our Historians give answers that we are talking about PRE-HISTORIC TIME hence they do not have any solid evidence except excavations and finding one or two tools and erecting whole story over these findings. Thus it is clear that every one here is a blind person,searching his valuables in a dark room; perhaps , it is right to say that everyone postulates a theory according to his wish list with least evidences. There are some other points to consider ,prior dealing this subject :
2.Most of these excavations are done in eastern part of Africa. Some Archaeologists done some work in Eastern Europe. In that sense , India has remained isolated ; neither eminent European Archaeologists want to say with authenticity about Indian conditions.
3. It was easy to find some thing in Sumerian civilization, or Egyptian civilization as we could draw some conclusion on finding a part of body from burial side . However, in Indian continent, it is very difficult to get human body since burying a dead body was discarded since long (?).
4. I do not know whether , this is a subject of Art or persons from science background should also participate in this discussion. Till now the subject has been dealt by the Historians or Archaeologists-those who have no science background or depend on others for narrating some scientific fact.
 There is little doubt that our Ancestors have descended from Some African part-most probably Eastern Africa. Afterwards .there is great dispute about the journey of our ancestors. Most of the Archaeologists consider that The African man first settles at Mesopatamia ,where they learned the technique of Agriculture and domestication of wild animals from there they spread to different parts of the earth. There is great civilization of Egypt, Rome and also of Sindh valley civilization (svc).Some Historians considered that African people spread to these places and they developed separately their Agriculture and civilizations. However, there is little doubt that persons of these civilizations could meet among themselves when such chance arises. There are some evidence which suggests this collaboration. If we study deeply, Egyptian and svc, there appears some similarities-i.e. Both civilizations used bullocks for their Agriculture which is just opposite to European civilization which used Horse as their main animal. Both civilizations believe in After life and they carried all the comforts to the departed soul. Both worshiped not one but many Gods-some are important to their family or area only. However, there is a vast difference in the pattern of disposal of dead body. Where as Egyptian civilization buried the dead person, svc learnt the technique of burning the dead body. But if you study geography of these two areas , the difference may be appreciated; while there is shortage of wood in Egyptian culture (hence burying of dead), it was in abundance in svc hence the persons might be considered it fit to burn the body. Unfortunately, the latter practice has prohibited us to throw more light over Indus valley civilization. However, it appears more appropriate to think that our Ancestors were absent at both these civilizations.
If you see a zoological key, there is mention of three Homo species- Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens. Some have named the last surviving species as Homo sapiens sapiens.
Unfortunately unlike to other zoo animals, we do not have any surviving species of genus Homo ?  so the main question is where are our Ancestors ??
This Homo erectus has first appeared about 1.6 million years ago . All of us have read in our tenth standard book that from the chain of a large number of primates, this was H.erectus who stand up and could be able to walk on his hind feet. He used his fore legs as a tool and this was most important historical difference which ever observed in any animal species . Though this animal was very weak in light of other wild animals hence was easily prayed by the wild animals. Thus our H.erectus developed a most modern weapon of those time to save themselves from wild animals and this was Fire. This protected our ancestor from many other animals and then it developed a fine instrument of those time and it was a spear which can kill any large animal without going near to it and thereby fetching large quantity of meat. The after story is about how man conquered the nature and dominated all over the world but during this development our Ancestor has also vanished . All what we have learnt is that H.erectus was a less wise man and it has given rise to a more wise man or what we call H.sapiens. But is it possible that whole generation of H.erectus has vanished from the earth ? or can we make some clue over this statement?
It is said that Homo erectus was indistinguishable from H.sapiens from neck down . This statement is very important for zoological point of view. If we observe how nature has created different species, or sub-species or strains... This is sexual differentiation between these animals-- a sexual contact continues among same species but when this sexual gene transfer become impossible due to many reasons, there is formation of separate species. In that sense H.erectus and H.sapiens were not two separate species but only one species with little  difference though they were similar to each other from neck down... This suggests that sexual transmission of genes continued among them and after completing their sexual life H.erectus vanished from the earth.  Do we have any other similar example in whole of animal kingdom? to me it appears an unique example. or man has created this story to save himself from the shame -to answer where are their ancestors?
Where is our another Ancestor ? i.e. Homo neanderthalensis . It is said that this ancestor developed in some European country and has been nick named as Ice-man. Some persons have claimed their presence in some ice-caves but no details are available on it also.
If we study our mythological books, there is mention of different category of the persons- they may be Rakshas, Gandarbh, Kinner, Bhoot pishach. Some or one of them might be our Ancestor but H.sapiens eradicated these different varieties as there was cultural and other differences.
What ever may be the reason but I am right in raising the question ...WHERE ARE OUR ANCESTORS???

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