
Monday 30 March 2015


This is the news item published in "The Hitavada, "Jabalpur dated 30th March 2015 which I am reproducing for giving a thought by our fellow Veterinarians and Indian Parasitologists .

Asserting that modern science would be unrecognizable without the contributions of ancient Indian scientists like Aryabhata and Sushruta, a noted Indian American scientist has rued that there is a concerned effort to ignore these figures, whose contributions to science is at par, if not more than those of Pythagoras and Aristotle.

"Just imagine erasing the name of Pythagoras, Aristotle and Plato from the current philosophy texts because it is an old past.Will it be just and fair? The answer is no.However, this is exactly the case when we ignore our own heroes, Aryabhata,Kanad,Varahmihir,Brahmgupta,Charak and Sushruta in India, unjustly" Alok Kumar ,a Professor of Physics at the State University of New York at Oswego ,told to PTI. Dr Alok Kumar was born and educated in India and author of two books that documents the contribution of ancient Hindu scientist to the modern day science including "Sciences of the Ancient Hindus" which was released last year. His third book "A history of Science in World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge" is due this year.

 "Modern science and medicine would be unrecognisable ,and far more premitive ,without the immense contribution of the ancient Hindus.The ancient Hindus also developed a sophisticated system of medicine with its mind-body approach known as Ayurveda ;detailed anatomical and surgical knowledge of the human body including cataract surgery ,metallurgical methods of extraction and purification of metals ,knowledge of various constellations and planetary motions that was good enough to assign motion to the earch and the science of yoga" Kumar said.

Certainly, this is an important topic to explore by our Indian scientists. Those who are interested in our ancient science may log in the site of Prof Alok Kumar http;// and investigate what Indian manuscripts were present in the Great Library in Alexandria in Egypt and what were their contents ....


This news item compelled me to think if we have tried to search the achievements in veterinary profession and on parasitic diseases in our ancient times.
It is important to mention that our Veterinary Council of India has recommended to teach the students about History of Veterinary Science as well as history of the particular subject. Perhaps , by stating this dictate, they mean history of European veterinary science (Indian history only of last centuries when British scientists started vety practice in India ) . We should not forget that our BVSc degree allows the veterinarians to practice using Allopathic medicines and by clause they are not entitled to use Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy for curing animal ailments. We should have taken up the matter to international forums why veterinarians should not research on other sciences for curing our animals.I think this is the time to give a serious look over these issues by the peers of Indian veterinary professions.
History tells us that this was the great King "Ashoka" who opened veterinary hospitals for treating the animals. At that time more attention was paid on Elephants and Horses as they were part and parcel of the battles. Probably, they might have developed good remedies particularly for wound healing , may also be for fractures. But what were their medicines is the work for investigation which will give a new dimension to our medical sciences; this is because the way they were able to check pathogens or infections in absence of antibiotics.
If we go on mythological grounds , Ashwani Kumars are considered our ancient experts on animal diseases. Obviously, it is to be investigated what they were knowing which made them equal to the god . .But any research in our ancient science should be away from emotions and have to be based on modern principles of investigations.
When we think about parasitic diseases , there is mention that our ancient scientists were aware about existence of helminths and this has been mentioned in our vedas. However, the important question to be discussed is whether these parasites / helminths were considered harmful or beneficial to the health of man or animals; our search on history of parasitology has informed that though Hippocrate and Aristotle were aware about the parasites , they have not considered them harmful to the health and they have hypothesized  that life generates spontaneously.Therefore, it will be interesting to know what our ancient Hindu scientists have their take in these matters.Whether they were thinking differently ?
One thing appears clear that this is the time we should pay attention on these issues which will not only place our ancient science at right place but may also help to know alternate way of treating infections , without use of antibiotics- a much needed field in light of development of antibiotic resistance making them redundant.We say that Nalanda University , including its library, was burnt and flames were seen for weeks together ; what were our treasures in Takshila vishwa vidyalaya ?; likewise, there were many old manuscripts and literature that have been destroyed by different cultures. Therefore, it is important to search related literature , particularly of of the nations , societies which came in contact with Ancient Hindu.There is the need of the hour that Government of India should come forward to finance such programs and take help of eminent scientists in this endeavor. 

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