
Saturday 30 November 2013


It is heartening to witness the beginning of twenty first century with opening of new Veterinary Universities in the country. More than half of the states now have their own Veterinary Universities , initiated by Tamil Nadu , and soon the remaining states will realize importance of animal industry and will fall in line . These universities are not mere replica of Veterinary colleges but incorporates all other aspects related to animals too. Thus it encompasses colleges of Dairy science , Fisheries as well as wild animals hence a whole range is there where special attention may be paid by the scientists on these aspects.
Obviously , these universities are struggling with preliminary problems which is common with all new set-ups but surely they will overcome them and will concentrate on new technologies which are important to improve value additions of our animals . If we really wish to help land less farmers as well as more educated entrepreneurs who might be willing to enter in animal industry we have to think out of box and have to encourage new innovations by which we will be able to increase value of animals and animal products many folds : 
MILK PRODUCTION : Though India is largest milk producer , yet per unit milk production is very low ; so much so that some nondescript cows are producing only half to one liter milk per day with lower number of milk production days.This is because ,earlier , we needed a drought or dual  variety whose males may be employed for plouging the fields and other works .As now tractors have replaced bullocks ( it needs studies if such strategy has really improved farmer's economy) ,there is the need to convert these breeds into milch animals by improving their genetic makeup with identifying the genes which are providing great resistance against local diseases and its survival only on roughage  
We should not forget our buffalo population where Murra is the best breed yielding milk even 40 Kg per day and whose males are also sturdy and used in manual works. The fat percentage in buffalo milk is highest hence are more useful for preparing butter and ghee.Improvement in buffalo will not only enhance our milk production but its meat may also be exported in many gulf countries.Recently, a farmer from Haryana was able to sale his male Murrah buffalo at a cost of Rs 25 lacs; we need more such animals to improve economy of our farmers.  
MILK OF OTHER ANIMAL SPECIES : Our father of Nation , Mahtma Gandhi has advocated use of  Goat milk which has proved beneficial in tuberculosis patients . Like wise camel milk is claimed to possess aphrodisiac properties .There are other animal species also whose milk has been claimed with some or other property - important are mare, sheep, yolk, mithun etc . India has the unique character of having a variety of animal species whose potentials have never been exploited . Our Dairy science colleges may take up the projects to test milk of different animal species and also isolating important biochemical constituents which may be marketed separately for improving human health..
BOER GOATS : As I have mentioned there is the need of  value addition of our animal products many folds so that our un-employed educated youth may attract towards animal industry- till now it is poultry industry which has resulted in changing the employment scenario. Now time has come when we have to divert our attention on other animals to fetch good remuneration .
As per news of the Economic Times,Indore ,dated 21st October ,2013 "Aai Goat Farm" of  Jijabai Narawade and son Vinayak in the village Savindane near Pune was started with two Boer goats and now has a herd of 70 goats. Interestingly, the son sells the goats online through internet and is able to fetch Rs 60,000 to Rs 90,000/ per goat .Such exorbitant price for each animal is paid by the affluent Muslims from big cities like Mumbai who buys these goats for Bakri Id. Interestingly, these Boer goats are native to South Africa and its embryo was first time imported from Australia in 1993 by Pune based Nimbkar Agriculture Research Institute for cross breeding with desi goats to increase their meat yields. The Boer goats are popular world over for their meat and adaptability to any climate. And this character has been used advantageously by Jijabai Narwade paving the way for more innovations and business potentials to other entrepreneurs .
KADAKNATH POULTRY : In the Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh, Kadaknath poultry breed is very popular among the tribes of this region ;the bird is black while its meat looks dark brown  . This bird fetches higher price ranging from 300-600 Rs per bird hence poultry department of Jabalpur Veterinary college developed cross and tried to sell the bird in five star hotels. However, its meat failed to attract good number of customers hence its marketing restricted only to certain region.
PASHMINA GOATS : There are  breeds of animals which inhabit special climates like Pashmina goats which is the special breed of goat indigenous to high altitude of Himalayas .They are famous for their special wool texture which ,mixing with silk fiber, is used for manufacturing pashmina shawls and gloves - high priced items .
GADDI SHEEP : This breed , also called Bhadarwah breed, is native to Kishtwar and Bhadarwah tahsils of J & K and is also distributed in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. It is famous for its fine quality wool.
EMU FARMING :This is a wingless bird,cousin of Ostrich, and in recent years bred in Rajasthan, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh . Importantly, all parts of the bird , meat, oil, skin, feather are marketed with good remuneration. Cost of one bird is about 20,000 to 30,000 Indian rupees.
NEW ANIMAL FARMING PRACTICES : It is necessary that these veterinary universities develop and spread expertise in farming other varieties of animals and birds  like TURKEY FARMING, QUAIL FARMING , DUCK FARMING, RABBIT FARMING, GUINEA FOWL (Bater ) FARMING They have to pay attention in their fast breeding and health programs so that farmers are able to earn good remuneration.
FISH BREEDING : There is a large population who consume fish and there is need not only to improve their production but introducing new varieties in Indian market. Beside fish, we must also pay attention of culturing prawn and alike organisms which have good potentials for export.
MARKET DEVELOPMENT : One hurdle being faced by these animal producers are marketing their products. There is the need to develop new markets and using e-commerce and other means for selling these animal products so that animal breeders may produce the animal products without the fear of absence of markets . These new markets will encourage to develop new animal products and be able to provide good enumerations to the animal farmers.

Friday 22 November 2013


It is heartening that many state governments have established separate university of veterinary science which cadres the need not only of animal sciences but also Dairy, fishery and wild life. Hopefully, other states will follow the suit and soon all the states of the country will  have their own veterinary universities.
This opening of separate universities have shouldered special responsibilities to the veterinary profession  to work their best in improving national GDP from animal industry which is growing at faster rate than that of agriculture . It is need of the time that a new leadership should come forward  from these universities  who can inculcate a  new thinking  to its   faculty for new ideas and their implementation. I am submitting two ideas that may help in changing the present scenario .
DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL ECONOMICS : The economical aspects of animal industry , in olden days , was an unthinkable idea and veterinarians are not taught  this subject  in erstwhile state veterinary colleges. When they came in newly formed Agriculture Universities , a little attention was began to pay on veterinary extension but veterinary economics remained neglected although Agriculture universities were having separate department of Agriculture economics that was confined studying agriculture practices and some times included dairy or poultry industry - particularly when  claiming agriculture contribution in national GDP. However, this economic business remained a domain of Agriculture teachers with no interest by the veterinarians.
With formation of Veterinary Council of India (VCI) and paying attention on veterinary  education by it, a course of livestock economics ,marketing and business management (VAE 321)OF 3 credit has been introduced in VI semester and a course of 1 credit  about livestock entrepreneurship (VAE 511) has been introduced in IX semester (Pl see The Gazette of India : Extraordinary Part III Sec 4 Page 156 ) . My inquiry on the subject has led to the  following facts :

·         Presently ,both courses are taught in newly formed department of Veterinary  Extension  and a teacher of veterinary extension is teaching these courses.
·         The course out line of both courses is purely on economical topics including WTO ,GATT, ledger ,labor management etc  to which the Veterinary extension teacher is not having mastery  and can not justify teaching.
·         It will be prudent to separate this department as Veterinary economics so that more and more work may be done on this subject ,exploring different  and new aspects of veterinary economics.
·         As we do not have presently subject matter specialists on Veterinary economics, it is necessary to appoint pure economists on the job who will help in developing veterinary economics in collaboration with veterinarians. It may be pointed out that in the beginning of  higher veterinary education in India ,persons were appointed from pure science subjects in Nutrition, Physiology, Parasitology  as the country was not having veterinary specialists in these subjects.
MISSING LINK : It is surprising to note in VAE 511 course (which is for developing entrepreneurship among veterinarians ) about no mention on opening of a private veterinary hospital or a private veterinary diagnostic laboratory-though this can be done only by a qualified veterinarian , unlike to starting dairy or poultry  . With shortage of veterinary services in rural areas, certainly this is a new field to which our veterinarians should be encouraged.
POST GRADUATE COURSES IN VETY ECONOMICS :If  we wish to take veterinary profession to new highs, its imperative to pay attention on economic aspects  of our animal industry. This is the time to evaluate not only present value of our animal products but to introduce new animal products which will greatly help in increasing the income of animal producers. For attaining these goals , it is important to start specialized post graduate courses in veterinary economics , who will be able to analyse the intriguing problems in more sophisticated ways.
LIVESTOCK ECONOMICS & STATISTICS  AT IVRI : In response to my Email, Dr MP Yadav informed that he as the Director of IVRI   initiated to establish a separate division of livestock economics where scientists worked on economical aspects of Mastitis. During my visit to IVRI on 10th Dec 2013 I met Dr Dwaipayan Bardhan,Senior Scientist of the division who provided me related information and that the division is providing presently only MVSc in livestock economics. National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal is also  having separate department of Livestock Economics and is providing MVSc and Ph.D. in the subject. Perhaps this is only Madras Veterinary College  which is having three separate departments - Department of  Extension Education , Dept of Statistics and Dept of Animal Husbandry Economics, And it is providing both MVSc and Ph.D. in Animal husbandry economics. We are not sure if post-graduates in Veterinary economics are eligible to compete in Indian Economic services of Government of India. Nevertheless, it is clear from the gathered information how this important subject is being neglected by other Veterinary Universities .
ANIMAL VALUE ADDITIONS : As stated above,the veterinary economics should not confine itself in studying and advancing general veterinary practices but should research for value addition of our animal  products which will  benefit  both producers and consumers.
With increase in our economic growth, a new consumer group is emerging with money power who is ready to spend higher  amounts if his requirements are fulfilled . Thus , there is need to produce organic milk which should be free from any pesticide and antibiotics ; milk of different animal species , camel , mare, goat , yolk etc  should be worked out pointing out their advantages. There is also opportunities to produce meat of different animals and birds and their crosses for better tastes .There is the need to introduce new breeds and species of animals and birds which will provide different tastes and may be supplied to elite groups.
PET ANIMALS : A big industry is awaiting as pet animal industry as man is developing many social problems. So far , dogs of different varieties are bred but some unique dogs may be produced with regards to their size and shape which will be pride of the owner and ….Not only dogs, other animals may also be  worked out.
Both these fields have high potentials of exporting and importing different animal products. It will be more advantageous if our veterinarians, interested in above fields, start reading a financial news paper also , beside their technical literature.
RETIRED GUEST FACULTY : A paradoxical  situation is existing in India where our scientists who have contributed a lot to the science and fetched many  national awards  are retired as soon as they attain 62 years of age (this may happen to some after finishing the work of Scientist Emeritus (2-3 years),offered by ICAR,CSIR,ICMR,UGC ) though they are healthy, hearty and willing to advance the science . After retirement these scientists ,though willing, do not have any one to guide or to carry over their research ideas as they do not have any science laboratory in their possession thus fails to contribute their mite in advancing science fortunes in the country . This condition is just opposite to the lawyers or private physicians who continue to carry over their profession till their will and health permits.
This is the right time we should give a serious thought to rectify this absurd situation. Under present conditions, does it not mean that we are denying  to utilize the man power of most experienced and talented  retired scientists –particularly when there is void of talented scientists in the country.
A simple solution of the present situation may be that our newly formed Veterinary Universities should come forward and  provide  general facilities and engage these retired scientists  as their guest faculties.  These retired scientists may be provided facilities to write monographs, books, status reports ,discussion papers  and also laboratory facilities where they may carry over their own research or may guide post-graduate students. The details may be worked out by the university keeping in view the local conditions.
My this idea is not unusual .neither that it has not been followed by any institute. I still remember that my Professor of Parasitology late Dr SC Dutt, as per his desire, was provided research facilities  in Punjab Agriculture University ,after his retirement in February 1979 ( though destiny snatched him  soon  in August,1979 ). Dr RC Mahajan, Professor of Parasitology, has remained  Emeritus Professor  for many years ,after retirement , at Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.
The only need is to spread the idea in other universities also , so that talents of these experienced retired scientists may fully be utilized by the country.