
Saturday 1 June 2013

Dr B.P Mathur remembers Dr S C Dutt

Dr. B.P.Mathur It was in the year 1959 , after completing my first year of M.V. Sc. in the P.G. College of Animal Science, 1VRI Izatnagar, U.P., I came in contact with Dr. S,C. Dutt then Assistant Research Officer, Division of Parasitology IVRI as MVSc guide.
My first impression about him was that he was a serious person of medium stature, moderately dressed and man of few words, which showed his knowledge and experience. This impression is not changed even today, except that he was also found God fearing, simple, affectionate and very soft at heart. He was a hard worker himself and expected the same from his students and colleagues. For couple of years, I shared sitting with him in the Helminthology laboratory of the Division with a screened wooden curtain in between. As per our interest, we selected a problem on "chemotherapy and control of fascioliasis in livestock" and started working on it. My interest here is not to comment on his scientific achievements but to write on his personal qualities, virtues and scientific talents .He always took lot of interest in the work and did not feel tired, sitting on working stool for hours together. As a student, l could not also avoid it. It was not customary in those days to have a separate Table & chair to sit. Work culture and spirit of scientist was healthy and competitive. I have no intention to criticize the scientists of today but there is a change now due to many factors. It was not unusual to see lights and scientists in the laboratories of IVRI even after mid night.
 Dr. Dutt did not believe anyone to note his observations of the experiment even during off hours. He would do the same himself. He expected the same from his students and colleagues. He was a scientist of keen observations and of investigational nature. He could critically analyze problem by virtue of his knowledge and experience. He was a known scholar. It was a saying for Dr. Dutt that he had never seen "second' in his educational career. A sound acad­emician with good scholarship qualities, he had many distinctions, awards and Recognitions. As a scientist , he identified new species of the parasites, studied their life cycle , habitats, bionomics and incidence. He took keen interest in understanding parasitological process and technologies. He developed new technology to identify helminths. He had a quest for knowledge, eagerness to know and creativity to perform. He was safe and cautious not only for thorough cleaning of laboratory glassware and chemicals but also in writing scientific papers. He avoided confusion of words. He wanted to be clear in his statements. His preparation started several weeks ahead. When once traveling abroad, he read his scientific article many times, made corrections, travel documents were checked many times, dress to wear, box preparation and so much so that pockets with money were pinned up in order to avoid loosing money. He contacted people who were already abroad, look their opinions on various matters. I never felt bad on any comments, which he made on me. He acted as a parent, guided like elders .He involved himself on my student life and once ,told me not to think of immediate benefits but think of far reaching results and career. I can consider him as a teacher of my whole life. 'Only work will pay’ can be derived from his preaching. Sincerity and devotedness to work was his nature. He never took things lightly. Dr Dutt’s mild smile, peace on his face , disciplined movements with affectionate behavior are few sweet memories, which are left with me. At this occasion, I wish to share them with you all. In my opinion Para­sitologist can consider him as "Ideal" man and noble Parasitologist. I am lucky to have worked with him. I got his advice and blessings and it is a matter of proud for me that he was my "Guru".

we record with great grief about the sad demise of Dr P B Mathur last year when he was travelling  to USA-to meet his kin . 

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