
Sunday 8 April 2018


I have noted in recent times that some veterinarians are finding good results with Homeopathic drugs and are recommending homeopathic treatment in veterinary practices. This let a general curiosity in me what is the position of Homeopathic treatment in Veterinary practices ? Whether our veterinarians are protected by law if any animal during homeopathic treatment die ?
This let me to search the rules and regulations of veterinary practices and VCI in India .I will try to elaborate the matter only with legal points so that we can take future actions to safe guard our veterinary  profession.

As per Veterinary Council of India , you are not permitted to do veterinary practice even though you are possessing a veterinary degree if your name is not included in their or State Veterinary Council Register that means only registered veterinarians are allowed to do veterinary practices in India..  However, if you are a Veterinary teacher in an veterinary institute, you may do the limited veterinary practice ,confined to that veterinary institute , till your services . 
Thus a very peculiar situation arises when a veterinarian , with well recognized veterinary qualification retires from a veterinary college and forgo his registration , as he does not consider it  of any significance for him, even professor of medicine is prohibited by law  to do veterinary practice in the state if he has not renewed his registration. 
See ! a retired  professor who has guided so many students in his post graduate programs is prohibited by law to do veterinary practice or issue a veterinary health certificate in the field ? Should we  not think over this issue. In my opinion if a veterinary teacher with qualified veterinary degree retires , he should be permitted , with out renewing his registration, to continue his veterinary practices till he lives .

I venture to study the law of doing homeopathic practice by a veterinarian  by searching Google Engine. There appears some ambiguity in the matter and perhaps we may interpret the matter with our convenience. The website of regulations for veterinary practices in India (https// clarifies some facts and terms in this regards .
Recognized veterinary qualification means any veterinary qualification included in the first schedule or the second schedule.
Veterinary Medicine means modern scientific veterinary medicine in all its branches and include Veterinary Surgery and Obstetrics.
This means a registered veterinarian is allowed to do modern scientific veterinary medicine  and this may include Allopathy, modern Homeopathy and Ayurved 

But if you see syllabus of BVSc and AH which includes Anatomy, Physiology, pathology, pharmacology ,surgery, gynaecology etc  all the books of these subjects  are those which are prescribed in an Allopathic syllabus or our Medical colleges with Allopathic degree. Thus these persons are trained according to the Allopathic pattern of treatment while Homeopathic treatment is considered a separate discipline which require to acquire its own degree. Thus without acquiring such degree , can a registered veterinarian prescribe homeopathic medicines to his patient ? And if the animal dies during treatment, whether he is protected by law ?

A related question will be how we can check other persons not well qualified by prescribing Homeopathic drugs to the animals ? What will happen if they take shelter of court of law ?

I have raised this question on face book and whatsapp and has not received any satisfactory answer of such problem hence posting it on my blog with the hope that a new thinking will solve above problems.

I may add on 25th April,2018 that when VCI acts were passed in the Parliament a question regarding Homeopathy practice was raised by a member. Dr CM Singh the then President of VCI and NAVS, through the Minister told the lok sabha that a Veterinary research institute can conduct a homeopathy drug trial under guidance of a homeopath and the veterinarian can try or recommend this drug only for the treatment . But if a veterinarian wish to do Homeopathy practice, he has to acquire its knowledge as well as he has to register himself for homeopathy practice, then only law can protect him against some adverse eventuality. (This information was shared by Dr Rama Kumar V former Secretary of VCI through face book )