
Monday 29 February 2016


If you see my post on HOD of IVRI, the first is Dr HN Ray ,second Dr GD Bhalerao and third was Dr HD Srivastava- thus in between the two ,there is Dr Bhalerao whose details I am trying to gather.
Dr HD Srivastava was the student of Dr Mehra from Allahabad University. No doubt Dr Srivastava has reshaped the department and beside doing survey work , initiated experimental work in parasitology particularly helminthology.
I can say without any doubt that Dr Srivasstava was fortunate to have a good team of scientists who led extensive growth in research. The name of Dr SC Dutt comes on uppermost who came ,after partition of the country,to join division of Parasitology,IVRI. Dr Dutt was contemporary scientist with Dr HD Srivastava and became his student as well since he submitted his Ph.D thesis to Bombay University under his supervision. It is an open secret that research work on schistosomes and many other parasites and discovering life cycle of Stephanofilaria assamensis to which the duo were awarded Rafi Ahmed Kidwai award of ICAR was mainly handled by Dr SC Dutt as at times reflected by authorship of research papers. As I have mentioned somewhere that retirement of Dr HD Srivastava was celebrated by scientific fraternity by publishing a commemoration volume on Dr HD Srivastava in 1969. Now the volume is rare and may be found only in selected places. I have good occasion to read this volume which contained research papers on Parasitology contributed by international parasitologists. Below is the brief on Dr HD Srivastava taken from the book published by Indian Science Academy, New Delhi as commemoration volume, sadly, does not include any articles ,reflecting personality of Dr HD Srivastava

Dr Srivastava HarDayal
Born 15th June 1908
DSc(1938) ,University of Allahabad

Research Achievements :Srivastava studied various aspects of helminthology-survey,morphology,taxonomy,life history,pathogenecity,etiology of obscure diseases, treatment,control,including biological control, host-parasite relationship,immunity and zoonosis.He did extensive work on the morphology and taxonomy of trematode parasites of Indian fresh water and marine fishes,life history,pathogenecity and biological control of Cotylophoron cotylophorum of ruminants ; a unique form of dermatitis in cattle(cutaneous microfilariasis),referred to in literature as Srivastava's dermatitis of cattle; causative parasite of cutaenous bleeding in buffaloes; prenatal infection of Neoascaris vitulorum in buffaloes; life history of Stephanofilaria assamensis , the causative parasite of hump sore of cattle, and its treatment; schistosomiasis in Indian domestic animals; verminous pneumonia in buffaloes and life history of Artyfechinostomum sufrartyfex and Gastrodiscoides hominis, trematodes of great zoonotic importance.

Positions : Helminthologist, Senior Professor of Parasitology, Head Division of Parasitology and Director , Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar/Izatnagar; Emeritus Scientist, ICAR.

Learned and Professional Societies : Fellow, National Academy of  Sciences(India), President, Zoological Society of India and Helminthological Society of India; Founder President, Indian Society for Parasitology.

Awards and Honors : Bhalerao memorial gold medal (1960), Rai Ahmed Kidwai memorial prize ,in collaboration with Dr SC Dutt (1968).

Policy making Bodies : Member Unesco Expert Committee on Animal Ecology for Arid Zone, ;also served on several expert committees of ICAR.

Died 26 October 1989

Sunday 28 February 2016


The librarian of Natioanl Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad helped me to take out photocopy of the Parasitologists, mentioned in the two volumes of the book on Fellows of Indian Science Academy from 1935 to 1993.
Initially I scanned a photocopy of Dr HN Ray and tried to upload the same on this post but this tactics did not work hence I am writing the matter taken out from the book. There may be some additions from my side,depending on the knowledge I possess.
   Dr Ray happened to be the first Head of division of Parasitology from 1936 when IVRI was at Mukteswar and later shifted to Calcutta school of tropic medicine. Here is the brief mentioned in the book

Born 31 January 1899 ;Meerut , Uttar Pradesh
Ph.D (1930) , University of London, UK

Specialization : Parasitology

Research Achievements : An eminent parasitologist,Ray was widely recognized for his researches on parasitic protozoa. He discovered a number of new genera and species of Rhizopoda , Mastigophora,Ciliophora, Gregaria,Coccidia and Haemosphoridia. He researched on the systematics and bionomics of a good number of parasitic protozoa in odd types of hosts.Discovered several sporozoan species in polychaeate worms,millipedes,intestinal amoeba of an ascidian, a coccidian form in the eggs of Thalesemma neptuni etc Developed the stillamidine test for the detection of the latent trypanosomal infection in zebra cattle, buffaloes and in camels. He was a pioneer to establish the method of transmission of Theilaria annulata in cattle through the eggs of infected ticks, Hyaloma saisgnyi. His discovery of the presence of small cyst clusters in the liver of the Himalayan giant flying squirrels depicting the exoerythrocytic schizogony of a malaria parasite,referred to as a genus Royella, won him international repute. He made notable contributions to the study of the malaria parasite.

Positions : Research Officer(Protozoology )and Head, Parasitology Division, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar (1936-54) ;Professor of Protozoology, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta (1954-65), Research Scientist (ICAR),Department of Zoology, Presidency College, Calcutta, Emeritus Scientist (ICMR) and Retired Scientist CSIR (1965-69)

Learned and Professional Societies : Fellow, Royal School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, American Society of Parasitologists ,Zoological Society(Calcutta) and Zoological Society of India (some time President).

Awards and Honours : Joygobinda law memorial medal (Asiatic Society) (1956) ,President Zoology and Entomology section, Indian Science Congress; Sectional President Third international  congress of Protozoology, Leningrad.

Died 30 May  1969.

Saturday 27 February 2016

what we know about our Parasitologists

If I ask my young Parasitologists about a short life-sketch and contributions of our eminent Indian Parasitologists like Drs GD Bhalerao, HN Ray, HR Mehra, Babbar Mirza ,HD Srivastava ,AB Chaudhary, GD Thappar,  MAN Rao, AK Verma , BP Pande, VS Alwar, SC Dutt ,BS Gill  etc , it is very unlikely that many of them may tell about these scientists-even their affiliations and contributions . They might have come across these names and their important work while referring a Parasitology book but beyond that, there is a lot to know about these legends of Indian Parasitology which is unknown to most of our young Parasitologists.
In my opinion, it is more important to know their struggle for advancement of science in that odd period with limited facilities  and their planning of research by which most of their research findings are still hold true and have paved the way for further advancing the subject.
If you ever have a chance to peep into their life, you will notice that each of them have devoted their whole life for a single cause which was dear to them- this might be preparing a checklist of the parasites for ruminants or domestic animals , finding pathogenicity of a particular parasite ,or intermediate host of an important parasite or studying details of Indian schistosomes, or taking up matter of  appointing teachers in medical/ veterinary colleges with specialization in particular subject or writing a monograph to fill up the gap of knowledge . Still we do not know details about them? Who is responsible for such neglect ?
One reason, to me, appears the apathy of our institutes where these scientists devoted their whole life for achieving scientific goals and advancing science in India. These institutes do not recognize contributions of their own scientists- evidence of my allegation erupts by vetting their websites ( pl see my post of 15th August,2013- websites of our premier institutes on my blog  which lack even their name , if retired from the institute , leave aside their contributions. Even if you look to the awards or milestones of an institute, they are mentioned without name of the scientist who took all the pains to achieve these milestones. Even, website of our ICAR does not reveal name of national award winners, summary of research schemes for which a lot of public money has been spent etc .
 In contrast, it’s amazing to log in the website of London School of hygiene and Tropical Medicine where you will find not only contributions of present and past faculty members but all the details including diaries which were written during conducting particular research by the eminent scientists .
 To some extend our Indian  Societies of Parasitology are also responsible for this neglect. These societies have instituted many awards in the name of eminent Parasitologists like Dr BP Pande , VS Alwar, BN Singh, SC Dutt and each year competing Parasitologists are bestowed with these and other awards. But if you log in the website of these Societies you will not find any details of those Parasitologists on whose name the scientist is receiving these awards. Thus , even after receiving the award in the name of a  particular Parasitologist, the recipient is unaware about importance of the particular scientist in advancing Parasitology in India. Then how our contemporary Parasitologists will know  our past legends ?
And what is the way to know  personal struggles , sorrow , happiness ,felt  during achievements by these scientists ? Certainly, these are their family members who can throw light on these issues else there is no way to know personal  details of our past Parasitologists though , with some efforts, it is possible to prepare list of their research papers with summary of important papers .
I have tried to write more details about Dr VS Alwar  ,for which Indian Veterinary Journal very kindly provided his obituary which I added along with my personal experiences  on my blog . However, I have failed to add  more about this scientist and failed to receive  details from any other source . Again , on each year, Madras Veterinary College is arranging Dr VS Alwar lectures but these are not visible any where ?  Will it be possible to  search these lectures , after lapse of some years ?
Recently Dr B S Gill has expired and we do not have even his obituary ,published by any Parasitology journal (except a few lines by Journal of Veterinary Parasitology) hence it will be difficult for future generation to know more about Dr Gill.
In 1970, a Commemoration volume on Dr H D Srivastava  was published by IVRI, Izatnagar  , that contained research papers by national and international scientists. However, I am not aware , if this volume contained personal memories of Dr Srivastava and his contemporary fellows. It is also difficult to find this volume in most of Indian Research Institutes .
I am pleased to mention that comparatively we have been able to gather more information about Dr SC Dutt who ,in 1964-65, along with Dr HD Srivastava was awarded ICAR Rafi Ahmed Kiddwai award for their research in animal sciences- this happened first in animal sciences as prior to that the award was given only in Agriculture sciences. The importance of scientific contributions of Dr SC Dutt became more glaring by the fact and even “After fifty years of Research” his findings still holds true.
We have been able to publish a book “ Remembering Dr SC Dutt : The Parasitologist” in Nov  2002 which provides details (Part A) about Dr Dutt, as expressed by his contemporaries, students, family members, his research publications with summary of research papers on schistosomes ;  Part B possesses five Dr SC Dutt memorial lectures  ,delivered till that time, while Part C contains five articles reflecting present problems in Parasitology.
Publication of this book became possible by the efforts of many contemporary personalities  but particularly by Shri Shekhar Dutt, the eldest son of Dr SC Dutt.  Now, this book ,after further editing, has been published by Har Anand Publisher, New Delhi and was released by the Director General,ICAR Dr Aayyapan in  Dr BP Pal auditorium at IARI, New Delhi on 14th October2015 
However, to me, this appears a rare example where we have so much details about an eminent Parasitologist- Dr SC Dutt . This is high time that we should pay attention on this aspect and start gathering information of our past eminent Parasitologists from all sources else it will be too late with no way out to extract correct information from past events.
Recently, on 16th February,2016 , we visited Allahabad and made an effort to visit National Academy of Sciences, India, offices and library. There, with the help of librarian Mrs Deepti and executive secretary Dr Neeraj Kumar I could read two volumes of a book on the Fellows of the Academy from 1935 to 1993 , published by National Science Academy, New Delhi. I was able to find briefs of some Indian Parasitologists who have shaped the subject just prior independence of the country and continued thereafter. However, I could not find any details of Dr HR Mehra of Allahabad University and Dr Babbar Mirza of Aligarh Muslim University. I have requested the respective heads of zoology to provide me some details for this blog. Meanwhile I am posting the details of Drs HN Ray,HD Srivastava,AB Cowdhary,GS Thappar, BS Gill,Soparkar and Dr Moghe which are taken from these books with due acknowledgement ..
To be frank enough these briefs are data on their scientific achievements and it would have been much better if we could have a personal write up on these scientists as has been done on Prof SC Dutt.