
Thursday 19 September 2013


I am aware that my writing this 'NOTE' will draw great criticism from some quarters  refuting my statement .There will be many citations how India is doing its maximum to promote science . It has not only launched various satellites but also undertaken successfully the project to reach moon . Its remarkable story in spreading computer , internet ,information technology, and mobile ,even to the villages, has no parallels . And most importantly, its prime minister put his whole government on stake to bring nuclear power in the country ( its different matter that Japan is closing its nuclear power plants).
All these success stories are correct and every Indian is proud of these achievements . But when we analyze  day to day activities , many of us develop doubts whether India cares for science . Is it interested to inculcate scientific temperament to its citizens ? Is it interested to get rid of its people from superstitions ? Is it interested to harness simple scientific technologies to solve day to day problems and also to increase its GDP ? If it is interested to apply scientific innovations, why our 30% agriculture produce , which includes not only vegetables, fruits but also cereals goes into waste ? Why no Indian university is ranked among 200 world universities ? Why research is only to award degrees without its implications in national  programs ? Why government departments/ministries do not  have scientific panels to decide any project , requiring scientific knowledge ? (Most of the miniseries like Health, PWD, Irrigation, Agriculture etc  have the programs which need scientific knowledge and use of latest techniques may positively affect the outcome ) Why our science graduates (even Ph.D holders ) remain un-employed or get only clerical jobs ?. Why the layman innovations ,done on Jugaad basis , remain unattended by scientific community though some of them may prove more cost effective?
If we analyze any country's  standing in the world and its capacity of harnessing scientific technologies ,there is clearly a positive co-relationship between the two . There is no doubt that in present scenario , America is occupying top position with regards to world power and it is the country where largest number of noble laureates are living and which is following latest scientific technologies in every sphere  . In this country, there  is no shortage of electricity which is supplied on 24 hr basis to its citizens , yet it is encouraging private companies to launch Solar Energy projects in such a way that citizens install the panels in their houses without much problem (ironically, there is snow fall in winter season with no sun light in half of America ). No household is permitted boring the earth for securing domestic water supply, instead this is the responsibility of respective  town hall ( moreover, this water is not contaminated- no need of aqua-guards ) . The high ways are free from potholes and constructed in such a way to minimize accidents . Here polythene  are not banned , but  dustbins are everywhere to dump such waste which is efficiently recycled . It is not wasting state money on advertisements for ' Prohibiting smoking or  banning  "Kutakha-  " ( have you calculated how much money , ear-marked on rural health program , has been wasted merely on TV advertisements ?) Though petrol is not as scare as in India, electric vehicles are running in many cities with charging centers in many public places.
There is little doubt that this has happened only by employing scientific techniques and education to its citizens whereas India is shying  in adapting scientific technology although surely this will increase employment and help in  removing public grievances . There are many fields ,beside above , which are wanting scientific implementations , I will like to highlight  a few additional  areas where scientific knowledge should be applied with benefit :

INDIAN STUDENTS : The greatest prove of India shying science is drifting away of its students from science discipline . Now , their first  preference is not science but  commerce . Even science students do not prefer pure science stream ( no surety of job?) but some professional discipline which is  an allied discipline . Those who pass from IIT or other prestigious institutes ,prefer to go abroad or join MBA rather than struggling in India to solve some scientific problem . Same is the case with our medical students . Our pure science graduates (and even Ph.D holders) are ill-trained , suffer from psychological  complex with no job opportunity in any scientific laboratory  ,compelling them to join some clerical post . The scientific profession is lowered to the extend that even imminent scientist wishes to retire from an administrative post like Director or Vice Chancellor than merely a scientist . This is mainly because their research is made a 'self-satisfactory'' or academic  activity with out taking its results  while deciding policies of the country.

SCIENCE MUSEUM : I am aware about Vishwasarariya museum at M G Road ,Bangalore ,exhibiting  our scientific achievements and  models  which is visited by many students every day .But beside this unique museum , there is no other  science museum where public/students may visit and witness the miracles of  science (no doubt, there are attempts by some Indian science academies to popularize science among general public ). On the other hand, every big city of America has a well established science museum with a large number of staff to help the public to learn and observe basics of the science. Thus a child may touch human bones or know what's the difference between X ray , MIR ,CAT scanning or learn about a computer with three dimension printer which will roll out the model in physical form and not a photograph. No doubt , cost will be high to establish such a science museum in India , but even our Medical , Veterinary ,Science  or Engineering colleges  and universities have not cared to develop good science museums ,in their respective fields, which may be opened for public or students for experiencing science.. Obviously, this will be a cost effective alternative with far reaching effects.

LIBRARIES : These are the places of great learning and persons may visit these places not only for learning but also for recreation through CD and videos. Presently , condition of public libraries is very pathetic with virtually  no visitors  to these places. Even our school, college , university libraries are no better . We have not tried to utilize  even the existing facilities by employing computer facility and cataloging the books through internet so that its availability or otherwise may be assessed by any one without visiting library premises. This is one reason to deter our  students from books and depending them only on class notes. In this age of E-book , its strange why our science scholars are not encouraged by the institutes for writing the books to express their views. Ironically, even Research theses are submitted in hard copies with out loading them even to university websites thereby reducing the chances of its circulation  and further utility .

COMPUTERIZED BILLS : In America and  other European countries, either you visit any Mall, Shop, Restaurant , all your purchases are made either by credit card or cash but compulsorily  by handing over a computerized bill detailing all the items, price and tax deducted . Obviously, this computerized system checks not only entries of the items,sell figures but also taxes deducted hence due to the firm. The only exception from the computerized bills are the temporary shops , made on the road (it is also seen in America) by the hawkers who do not earn a big amount. On the contrary , India , having all the infrastructure for the system , lacks such compulsion  ,leading evasion of custom , VAT, service tax ,profits by many scrupulous businessman. The matter has reached to the extreme that now even Medical Shops are hesitating in providing cash memos and harassing the genuine customers. Every one is aware that black money ,generated by such means , is siphoned to real estates. Therefore, it is difficult to predict whether India is reluctant to impose computerized system only to benefit few businessman or have no money to invest in such a system .

SLAUGHTER HOUSE WASTE : This is a topic put under carpet  as many Indians are against animal slaughter although more and more people are tasting meat in their meal. We can not ignore this whole business and has to develop it more scientifically which will help in increasing our GDP .It is a bitter fact , that many cities do not have slaughter houses and animals are slaughtered in most cruel manner with polluting the environment . Where slaughter houses (only for bovine ,sheep ,goat with no arrangement for poultry and pork ) are existing , they are  ancient models without caring for animal pain or collecting bi-products .Blood is flown in 'nala' causing pollution, where as this may be harnessed and sterilized to make good animal feed . Again , there are other animal wastes (also blood) from the slaughter houses which may be converted into good biological products with application of science. Instead of allowing killing of birds, pigs, in houses ,small shops, there is need to process them in more scientific manner to avoid diseases and to harness their bi-products
GOBAR GAS PLANTS  : Perhaps a good start was made some twenty years ago by promoting gobar gas plants in the villages and teaching the farmers about its benefits. However, a little operational problem with no attention resulted in its condemnation . It is a bad commentary how a subsidiary system without technical support has killed a most  important scientific tool to help rural population. There is urgent need to revive the gobar gas plants with new technologies which will result in production of organic fertilizer and methane gas ; obviously, it will reduce government's burden towards providing subsidiary for chemical fertilizers  with provision of smokeless fuel in rural areas.

STREET ANIMALS ;  To-day every city is facing  problem of street animals which are mainly of two types. The first is cattle which are either bulls or unproductive cows. Its very difficult  to speculate  utility of the bulls in the city particularly when they are not used for reproduction. They are  seen in our 'vegetable-markets' and are responsible for accidents  of  senior citizens . Like the finger prints , muzzle of each animal is specific and may be used for identification; thus the cattle may be registered with muzzle marks with their owners who may be penalized for loosing the animal in the street ; the un-owned animals should be sent to gua-sadan for their betterment and safety of general public.
The other common street animal is dog which is not only responsible for rabies but many other important parasitic and bacterial infections to the man (a main cause of contaminating our water sources with pathogens- harmful to man ) . Therefore, its control will greatly help the health of general public. Like gua-sadan , there is the need to make 'dog-homes' where these street dogs may be lodged . The males may be kept separately  or  may be sterilized to check their population. It may be better to place these 'gua-sadan' and dog homes in the custody of veterinary colleges so that students may learn many techniques by visiting these places .

JUGAAD TECHNOLOGY : India is famous for this jugaad activity and there are many jokes with the technology. In reality, this reflects the creativity of our so called illiterate public who assemble the unwanted material to convert it into a working appliances . This juggad not only reflects how material wastes or useless things are   converted into utility but at times it provides new ideas to promote some new simple ,cost effective instruments/appliances or system. There are great potentials to improve such technology and commercialize new equipment. However, it is sad that there is no system where our scientist or even post graduate students of different disciplines may examine this jugaad technology and if some new appliance is developed ,out of this jugaad system , that should be patented  giving due profit share to our so called  illiterate person .Also the  particular person ,having great passion for innovation, should be encouraged to search some new things .

There are many other ways of improving public life( as I have cited only a few examples) , if India encourages scientific ways of dealing its problems and incorporate scientific community to participate. It will go a long way if scientific views are made mandatory while implementing any new project or plan . Presently it is only our politicians and bureaucrats who are implementing all government plans irrespective of their expertise in the matter. It appears sure if India has to progress ahead , there is no other alternate except to embrace scientific technology in its umbrella .And it has to encourage its Indigenous scientists to develop such technologies rather depending on importing them from western countries. . This will not only help in enhancing GDP of the country but will enable its universities to compete with other world institutions .